Source Code

Latest stable release

The source code of the latest stable release (1.0.0-alpha2) is available as an Eclipse project:

GC Retention Predictor src 1.0.0-alpha2.tar.gz

The source code is stored as a compressed archive of the *.tar.gz format. You can unpack it using the free, open source file archiver 7-Zip.

Source from previous releases and beta versions are available below.

Subversion repository access

You can check out the source code from the project's Subversion repository hosted on SourceForge. The URL of the repository is

The most recent version of the source code can be checked out with the SVN command:

svn co gcrtnpredictor

Previous releases can be found in the repository under the /tags/ directory:

You can also browse the SVN repository online.

Making changes to GC Retention Predictor

If you've made changes to the GC Retention Predictor code and wish to have them incorporated in the official release, please contact us through the forum or through email. New collaborators are welcome!

Compiling GC Retention Predictor

Before you begin

Some external libraries are required to compile GC Retention Predictor:

  • The GC Retention Predictor code is written for compatibility with the Java 1.6.x (JDK 6.x) compiler.
  • GC Retention Predictor makes use of OpenGL and requires that you first install JOGL - a free, open source OpenGL binding for Java. GC Retention Predictor currently runs on version 1.1.1.
  • Install JavaHelp (version 2 or later) on your system. JavaHelp provides libraries that support GC Retention Predictor's help system.
  • SwingX 1.6.2 libraries are used for some controls. Be sure to include them in the project.
  • The source code is packaged as an Eclipse project. We recommend installing and using Eclipse (at least initially) when working with the GC Retention Predictor source code.

Running as an applet or as an application

To run as an applet:

With the GC Retention Predictor project open in Eclipse, select "" from the Package Explorer, then choose "Run -> Run As -> Java Applet" from the Eclipse main menu.

To run as an application:

With the GC Retention Predictor project open in Eclipse, select "" from the Package Explorer, then choose "Run -> Run As -> Java Application" from the Eclipse main menu.

Need more help?

We invite all of your questions regarding the source code and/or compilation. See the Contact tab. Don't hesitate to ask - your questions will help us improve our online instructions and make it easier for others to get up and running. We will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

Previous Releases