GC Retention Database Builder

GC Retention Database Builder is software that makes it fast and easy to measure unbiased k vs. T relationships. It is still in beta and we have not fully documented it, but see Journal of Chromatography A. 1374, 207-215, 2014 for general information about how it works and how to use it. Click on the link below to run GC Retention Database Builder.

Launch GC Retention Database Builder

After clicking on the above link, a window will ask you to either open or save "GCDatabaseBuilderFX.jnlp". Make sure "Open with" and "Java(TM) Web Start Launcher" are selected and then click "Ok".

Isothermal Retention Database

The following retention data was collected on the Agilent DB-5MS UI stationary phase.

Select one or more compounds from the list below to view their isothermal retention behavior.
To select multiple values within a box, hold down 'Ctrl' while selecting values within the box.
To select a range of values within a box, select the starting value in the box, then hold down 'Shift' while selecting the ending value in the box.

You can also download the database: isothermal_database.csv